3-P Farms
Welcome to 3-P Farms!
We are a family owned farm that has three generations living on this land. We have a breed of cattle that are known as 'Pineywoods'. They are a heritage breed that have thrived through various conditions. We are located in Thayer, MO, which is right on the border with Arkansas. We started out with three heifers and one bull and we are now up to ten heifer/cow and our new bull. They are a very hearty and strong breed that will eat pretty much anything. The ones at our farm live solely on grass.
We were one of the first farms to bring Pineywoods to the state of Missouri and are apart of the Pineywoods Cattle Registry & Breeders Association (PCRBA). The PCRBA is there for conservation of the breed and to educate the public of the breed. The Pineywood Cattle strain is being watched very strictly to ensure the breed doesn't go extinct. The two major breeds of the Pineywood that we have on our farm is the Hickman and the Dedeaux, but we do have a couple with the Griffen stain. They are pretty intelligent cattle and as mentioned before can live easily off of the land. The majority of the breeders live in the Southeast of the United States.
We were one of the first farms to bring Pineywoods to the state of Missouri and are apart of the Pineywoods Cattle Registry & Breeders Association (PCRBA). The PCRBA is there for conservation of the breed and to educate the public of the breed. The Pineywood Cattle strain is being watched very strictly to ensure the breed doesn't go extinct. The two major breeds of the Pineywood that we have on our farm is the Hickman and the Dedeaux, but we do have a couple with the Griffen stain. They are pretty intelligent cattle and as mentioned before can live easily off of the land. The majority of the breeders live in the Southeast of the United States.